I went to Gran Turismo East (GTE) again to get my tires put on and the car aligned. Tires went on fine and look great (see below). During tire installation, I was informed that my steering rack has some issues and needs to be rebuilt before they can align the car. I also had some issues with the fuel system. After driving about 8 miles, the car just died when I slow down to stop. It idles like a champ but for some reason, it died...3 times....in the middle of intersections where i blocked traffic until I got it started. Oh...and the brake lights no longer work.... Oh...and the fan belts started to squeak. So next items on the pantera are:
1.) Rebuild the steering rack
2.) Get the car aligned
3.) Track down fuel issue
4.) Fix Brake Lights
5.) Replace fan belts
6.) Replace fuel lines....why not?

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